DHL sucks
This poster was one of our most special works due to Ufomammut’s influence on our music taste and also due to the artistic work from the members of the band.
We decided to make a simple poster, because it was being made while Filipe was in tour with the band he plays. The tour was a month long and we didn’t have any extra time to finish early.
I started drawing the poster in Köln, and after the first studies I finally finished the work in Italy.
I drew during the nights while having nice conversations with Joe and Robby. During the day, its was impossible due to the little free time we had during the tour.
Once the illustration was finished, in a hurry, Karen made some final touches in the Lettering. We only had to scan it, do the color and final art.
Scanning the poster was a torment. Normally, we work on 1200 or 600 ppp, and we couldn’t find any scanner in the venues that could scan in that resolution. They were all old and at the point of falling bit by bit. Finally, I found a good scanner thanks to Sam in Lyon and that same night we finished the coloring and the final art.
The poster started being produced pretty early on, as always, the people form Rock N Merch did an incredible job, and once the production of the copies was done, we proceeded to the shipping.
We ordered the fastest shipping from DHL, it was supposed to take 5 days and we still had 15 days until the due date. We had no idea what was coming.

In the due date, the venue told us they didn’t receive the posters, we contacted DHL and they didn’t offer us neither help nor a solution. We contacted the venue and Ufomammut, but nothing could be done. Even with us spending a load of money, DHL didn’t deliver the posters in time, and the band couldn’t sell them on their merch stand.
It wasn’t until November that we retrieved the posters, and despite all the claims, we never had a worthy response from DHL.
One of the most important jobs of our careers, with an almost tragic ending. Still, we hope we can draw again for Ufomammut soon.
We want to thank the patience and comprehension of the band and the support of the venue. You rarely find such dedicated people.
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